Ultrasound the new vasectomy?

The days of condoms and vasectomies could be contraceptives of the past after new findings reveal the sperm-zapping powers of an ultrasound machine.

Researchers successfully made rats infertile for more than two months using therapeutic ultrasound, equipment typically used by physical therapists to apply heat and increase circulation to injured joints.

Pictured on the left, a testis not treated with the ultrasound, while on the right, a testis treated with the ultrasound that no longer contains any sperm

"Sperm production is very robust; this ensures the survival of a species. It's really difficult to find a way to turn off the production of sperm, but ultrasound seems to do the trick," said head researcher Dr. James Tsuruta from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

The machine was found to work best when used on the testes of the rats in two 15-minute treatments a day apart, according to the study published Monday in the journal Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology.
Experts say it's quick, painless and could be the next permanent male contraceptive.

Although this research is new, the idea is not.

For 35 years, researchers have tested the theory of using heated ultrasound to shut down sperm but it was difficult to determine a process that worked.

The same technology was used to sterilize stray dogs in Italy, according to a paper published in 2009 by the University of Bari.

Researchers have also tested it on monkeys.

"We were pretty discouraged at first," said Dr. Catherine VandeVoort, lead researcher, from the University of California-Davis. "The monkeys didn't seem to mind the treatment a bit, but we were having a rough time of it. Thirty minutes of treatment three times a week is a lot of monkey testicular massage. We felt pretty silly, and it didn't help when the techs would come around and wonder what kind of research we were doing! We were relieved when we finally saw an effect."


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